14 Easy Ways To Beat Diet Destroyers

Diet destroyer. Reading that phrase may have you imagining fattening food like a sugary chocolate bar or a greasy cheeseburger. Learn 15 ways to beat diet destroyers, both known felons and surprising innocent looking ones.

  1. What Is A Diet Destroyer?
  2. 14 Ways To Beat 3 Top Diet Destroyers
    1. Alcohol
    2. Friends
    3. Late Hours
  3. Conclusion
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What Is A Diet Destroyer?

diet destroyer is a food or drink that can ruin your diet plan by adding a lot of calories, sugar, or fat to your diet. According to eatthis.com, some of the most common diet destroyers are:

  • Soy sauce: soy sauce is loaded with sodium. A single tablespoon of soy sauce has over 1,000 mg of sodium. A better and healthier option can be Coconut Aminos.
  • Taco salad: A huge fried tortilla shell with ground beef, cheese, sour cream, and shredded iceberg lettuce. Taco salad contains 900 calories, 55 grams of fat, not a healthy salad at all. A healthier alternative is chicken fajitas.
  • Bran muffins: This baked good has fooled many health minded persons. The calories contained in these innocent looking muffins will horrify you. Each bran muffin contains 440 calories, with nearly a quarter of them coming from fat. Instead, try an Egg and Cheese Sandwich.
  • Tofu: Although tofu has been an integral part in Asian diets for centuries, in the western world it is surrounded in controversy. Soy is high in naturally occurring chemicals called phytoestrogens, can influence our hormonal balance. This hormonal imbalance may lead to weight gain in some people. Enjoy it occasionally, but don’t make it your staple if you’re going meat-free.

14 Ways To Beat 3 Top Diet Destroyers


1.Learn calorie counts

People often underestimate the calories in alcohol. Even light beers may have more than 100 calories a serving. Sweet drink concoctions like a Chocolate Martini have about 550 calories.

2.Order slimmer drinks

Fortunately, there are much lighter options. A Bloody Mary contains little more than 100 calories and half of that is tomato juice, so you get important vitamins.

3.Choose smart snacks

You’ll probably drink less if you eat first and stop occasionally to refuel. Skip the deep fried cheese sticks and reach for healthy snacks like hummus and red pepper or a handful of roasted nuts.

4.Slow down

Pace yourself for long evenings. Limit your consumption to one drink or less an hour.


We choose our friends because of shared interests and experiences. Our friends have our best interests. While this is great, sometimes our friends and our dieting goals don’t mix. Here are 5 ways to enjoy your friends’ company and keep to your health plans.

1.Share activities together

Sign up for an exercise class instead of going out for pizza after work. Enjoy your usual weekend brunch but take a morning hike/run first.

2.Be mindful

Having company around tends to distract you from what you’re eating. You may also feel like it’s courteous to go along with what everyone else is doing. Be extra vigilant around the bacon at the breakfast buffet.

3.Provide mutual encouragement

Some of your family and friends are bound to be working on their own health issues. Team up with them to cut down on sugar or eat more fiber.

4.Focus on overall health

View your diet as part of a bigger picture. Increase your motivation by imagining how good it would be to live a longer and more active life.

5.Practice portion control

The size of a drink varies dramatically. Keep in mind that some restaurants now serve as much as 6 ounces of wine per glass because customers are getting used to supersizing. Drink more water. Filling up on water works wonders. You take in fewer calories and reduce the dehydrating effects of alcohol consumption.

Late Hours

We all may keep late hours from time to time due to trying to take care of household chores after a long day at work or because of binge tv watching. You can still keep a healthy diet plan in spite of late hours, here’s 5 steps to help you keep on track.

1.Maintain a consistent schedule

Go to bed and rise at about the same time every day. That includes weekends and vacations.

2.Turn off devices before bed

Bright screens and crime dramas may be keeping you up at night. Shut off your phone and computer a couple of hours before you retire.

3.Manage stress

Engage in regular exercise and relaxation practices. Take a walk or play racquet sports. Listen to soft music or learn to knit.

4. Develop bedtime rituals

Let your mind and body know that it’s time to give in to drowsiness. Lie in a warm bath. Read one chapter of a classic novel each night.

5. Upgrade your sleep area

Black out drapes will stop lights from the neighborhood keeping you up. Replace an old sagging mattress if needed. Clear away clutter or store it out of sight.


Plan ahead to keep the most common triggers from interfering with your diet. Hang onto your friends and support each other with developing healthier habits. Drink responsibly, manage stress and get adequate sleep. In the end you’ll find it easier to eat nutritious foods and lose weight.

Do you want to make more positive changes to your diet and lifestyle but don’t know where to start? Download a free report: 5 Veggies That Can Destroy Your Diet. This report is packed with practical tips on portion control, especially when including these starchy veggies in your meals. Whether you’re looking to lose weight or simply improve your overall well-being, can start you on the right path.

So what are you waiting for? Take the first step towards a healthier, happier you by downloading 5 Veggies That Can Destroy Your Diet today. With its clear and concise guidance, you’ll be on your way to a new and improved lifestyle in no time!

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Author: djcgold

Hi, my name is Denise aka 'djcgold' and I'm from the Bahamas. I discovered my passion for digital art and blogging in 2020. As a self-taught artist, I have been using Procreate and AI generators to create unique and beautiful pieces of art. I specialize in digital wall art and phone wallpapers, which can be found on my website. I also have a love for writing and sharing my knowledge and experiences.

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