
Welcome To

Black Island Gold

About Me

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Hi, my name is Denise aka ‘djcgold’ and I’m from the Bahamas.

I discovered my passion for digital art and blogging in 2020.

As a self-taught artist, I have been using Procreate and AI generators to create unique and beautiful pieces of art.

I also have a love for writing and sharing my knowledge and experiences.

In my blogs www.blackislandgold.com and www.healthydrinks4you.com, I share healthy life solutions. My posts are about healthy living and wellness. You would find posts about healthy foods, weight loss plans reviews, helpful digital solutions and more.

I am constantly inspired by the beauty of the Bahamas, my travels, my imagination and I strive to create art that reflects beauty. I hope that my art and blogs can inspire others to find their own passions and to create something beautiful.

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